

2012年,負責挖掘的萊斯特大學之考古人員於市中心教堂旁一座停車場,疑似挖掘出理查三世(Richard III)的遺骸,經過數個月的DNA比對,證實此一遺骸為理查三世無誤。歷史學家普遍認為他派人殺害兩位侄兒,為了當上國王不擇手段。美國知名影集「紙牌屋」(House of Cards)的原版其實來自1990年英國所拍攝之同名影集,其靈感正來自於理查三世。於是在凱文史貝西詮釋的法蘭克安德伍(Frank Underwood)以及編劇台詞方面,都可繼續窺見理查三世的影子,不少台詞引用了莎翁作品理查三世。但當然也有不少歷史學者對這位國王所被記載的種種罪行表示異議,試圖為他平反。我們後人對於這較有複雜性格的歷史人物,無疑地已培養出一定的情感,不論這樣的情感是正面或負面,其中受到莎翁作品之影響應該最為深刻。

從勞倫斯奧立弗(Laurence Olivier)到伊恩麥克連(Ian McKellen)、凱文史貝西(Kevin Spacey)與馬丁弗里曼(Martin Freeman)等這些傑出演員對於理查三世之詮釋也許有所異同,但確實都津津樂道理查三世生前種種惡行。
假如理查三世並非是個如此具特色的歷史人物,或許他的遺骸在500多年後的今天被後人挖掘到的新聞,就相對地黯淡許多,我們也不會看到新聞聳動的標題報導著這位邪惡的君王。反之,在將他於2015326日這天正式下葬在萊斯特大教堂之前,我們所見的是322日這天,載著理查三世棺木的靈車穿梭在英格蘭萊斯特(Leicester)市區,車子所經路線地點都與這位國王的過去息息相關。如果今天我們是在瑞丁(Reading)附近挖到亨利一世(Henry I)的遺骸,恐怕後續的一切,都無法與這位被後人描述為個性陰險邪惡的國王相比吧?!

在一個不平凡的日子裡,一個死亡已超過500年的國王的遺骸穿梭在市鎮巷弄與郊區街道,上千名名眾前來致敬瞻仰這位回到萊斯特的國王遺骸。萊斯特市長彼得索爾斯比爵士(Sir Peter Soulsby)這樣說:「理查國王,願您在萊斯特安息。」(“King Richard, may you rest in peace in Leicester”) 理查三世於1485年死於著名的博斯沃思戰場(Bosworth)上,成為金雀花王朝最後一位國王,宣告金雀花王朝的結束,之後,英國進入亨利七世(Henry VII)開朝與亨利八世(Henry VIII)穩固擴展的都鐸王朝。

市長對於理查三世正式回到萊斯特表示歡迎,在中世紀時萊斯特的城界標誌地點迎候其靈柩,且以榮譽與尊嚴的態度向他致敬。當天的儀式看來,讓人感覺好像當年博斯沃思的悲劇以及王朝政權之更迭從來沒有發生過一般,那位在莎翁筆下邪惡嗜血的英格蘭國王的遺體,現在是受到「英格蘭的神王與法國和愛爾蘭的主」(God King of England and France and Lord of Ireland)之恩典接待。儀式還包括了當年戰場之重現,有如豪華的中古世紀服裝秀,甚至還有21響禮炮的橋段,有人譏諷這根本是場啞劇。





I Love You All- Michael Fassbender (from the movie Frank)

I absolutely adore the movie, Frank. No spoilers ahead in this post.

It is one of the kind unique and it turns out not exactly the kind of movie you have expect it to be. That is one of the brilliant parts about it.

Today I am not going into details about how much I love it and what I think of it and stuff. Just feel like sharing my favourite song from the movie and for those who have seen the movie, you would have agreed with me on this as well, I am sure.

Michael Fassbender sings like Jim Morrison when I first heard it. It is a voice from his heart and it is somehow hreat-breaking. Makes it even more heart-breaking if one has seen Frank and understands the context at all.

I just have to listen to it at least one time a day now. Hope you get some inspiration from it. You are welcome to get completely soaked in his voice and the tune. And if you find tears in your eyes, do not be alarmed because it is totally legitimate to be overwhelmed.



World Poetry Day 2015

This is my very own belated celebration on this year' s World Poetry Day. It is held on March 21st each day and it is a day to remind us of the beauty and joy of reading or writing poems.

I myself am not a fan of poems to be honest. However, because the Love Book App was free for us to download during the weekend, I decided to download the app on my iPhone as well. I knew Tom Hilddleston has done many reading for them before but I did not expect that rather huge amount of them. I enjoyed listening to each of his reading and would like to share my favourite so far. Hopefully you get some inspiration out of it as I do.

It is called Desiderata by Max Ehrmann.

Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. 

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.  

Take kindly to the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. 

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. 

Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. 

With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. 

Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.




「世界讀書日」(World Book Day)或「世界圖書與版權日」(World Book and Copyright Day)是一個由聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)主辦的年度活動,於每年423日慶祝,以推廣閱讀、出版與版權之日,第一年「世界讀書日」是在 1995423日舉辦。

在英國與愛爾蘭,「世界讀書日」則是訂在每年3月的第一個星期四,今年是落在35日。英國的「世界讀書日」始 於1998年,由時任英國首相布萊爾(Tony Blair)宣布開始舉辦。數百萬中小學生在這一天可以拿到價值一英鎊的「世界讀書日圖書抵用卷」,在英國境內任何書店都可以使用。

於是這 一天,英國《衛報》(Guardian)與《獨立報》(Independent)、連鎖書店水石(Waterstone’s)、各社群網站上的群組等紛紛 以各種方式慶祝,更重要的是要推廣閱讀之重要性。《衛報》也特別開出「世界讀書日」專區,鼓勵小學生將自己打扮成圖書或小說的角色照片分享至該報網站,有 人選擇打扮成長襪皮皮(Pippi Longstocking)、蘇斯博士(Dr. Seuss)的戴帽子的貓(Cat in the Hat)、納尼亞傳奇(The Chronicles of Narnia)的露西(Lucy Pevensie)等各種角色,還有學校老師推薦他們自己最喜歡的書籍之報導,另外也有文章整理出幾個從書本原著改編成電影較成功的例子。位於倫敦皮卡迪 里圓環的水石書店旗艦店也讓員工們一起加入扮演小說角色的活動,並在社群網站分享照片。
