話說今天也買好YH Card,在飛達旅遊裡面也大略翻閱一下英國國內交通資訊,然後我就自己在百貨公司亂逛。說不緊張是騙人,但其實也沒有每秒鐘都在擔憂出國的事,我總會想到Auberge espagnole, L`這部片,裡頭這樣的一句話可以帶來一點點勇氣:When you first arrive in a new city, nothing makes sense. Everything` s unknown, virgin. After you've lived here, walked these streets, you'll know them inside out. You'll know these people. Once you've lived here, crossed this street 10, 20, 1000 times... it'll belong to you because you've lived there. That was about to happen to me, but I didn't know it yet.
6 則留言:
ja ci wierze
Poland in the best
poland poland poland poland
Ok, so are you from Poland? That is quite interesting. This blog is owned and managed by me, a girl from Taiwan, and about to have an advanced study in London this Sunday. LOL...
謝啦,小黑!其實我也看不懂,想必是個純粹來亂的人。XD 囧