
Push Your Head towards the Air- The Editors

1月19日,在我起床與離開Manchester Grove的那段時間,只有我一人在家。我忙著做許多事情,包括不停確認要帶回台灣的行李,填寫簽證表格。我用電腦反覆播放這首歌,無法跳出那終於要回家的情境,興奮又害怕;過兩天又終於要回London了,為何心情仍然是興奮又害怕?我以為我對於回London這件事比什麼都來得期待。

昨天與蔡小婷單獨見面,我們上台北玩,我發覺我找回了那股熟悉感,是上回大伙聊天所沒能挖掘出的。我們還是那樣地好,原來許多事情是我多想了,事實上很多東西還是沒有改變的!這種確定感來得很突然,也格外地令人安心。那個根沒有離開過,只是老是忘記或是下意識地害怕仔細回頭檢視而已。寫下這些想法的同時,選擇播放了這首歌,即使自己更想聽The Music的Fight the Feeling。

If I lay face
down on the ground,
would you walk all over me?
Have we learn't
What we set out to learn?
well then love we will see.

Now dont drown in your tears, babe
Push your head towards the air.
Now dont drown in your tears, babe
I will always be there.

When you fall and you,
Can't find your way,
Push a hand up to the sky.
I will run just to,
To be by your side,
Dont you ever bat an eye.

Now dont drown in your tears, babe
Push your head towards the air.
Now don't drown in your tears, babe
I will always be there

"But I will tear the price from your head,
And keep you from harm" thats what you said.
Theres people climbing out of their cars
Lining the roadside,
Try to glimpse at the dead.

Now dont drown in your tears, babe
Push your head towards the air.
Now dont drown in your tears, babe
I will always be there.
