
Hamlet Globe to Globe

(圖片來自Shakespeare' s Globe Tumblr文章)
(Photo courtesy of Shakespeare' s Globe Tumblr post)

2014年與2016年分別是William Shakespeare的450年冥誕與逝世400年紀念。London Shakespeare' s Globe藝術總監Dominic Dromgoole去年推出Hamlet並開始兩年的世界巡迴。

上 個月滿一週年,Globe Theatre在Twitter與Tumblr舉辦許多有獎徵答。我參加的是要向Hamlet巡迴一週年寫下恭喜的話,結果被選中!只有兩個贏家唷,也有 獎品!因為太開心,把之前自己著色的卡片寄給他們,Globe Theatre收到之後立刻把我的卡片放在Tumblr上,還細心把我寫的話打出來。


Won a #WorldHamlet Twitter competition last month held by London Shakespeare' s Globe. There were only two winners for the one I took part in. Utterly delighted!!

Sent a few hand-coloured cards along with one with my personal message to Globe Theatre. They posted it on Tumblr. Now I feel even more overwhelmed!

Looking forward to their coming to Taipei this July!
Here is the link to their Tumblr post:  http://ow.ly/N96Jv
